Sunday, May 8, 2011



Please download music dangdut following :

1.  Evie_Tamala_-_Selamat_Malam.mp3 

2.  Rhoma_Irama_-_The_Legend_-_Begadang 

 Listen ... then let's get together the whole body swayed and danced with joy

Thursday, May 5, 2011

SIMPLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES : Circuit Insect Repellent

Circuit  Insect Repellent

Mosquitoes are very annoying. It will not be able to sleep in our homes if there are many mosquitoes naughty. In the world of electronic mosquito repellent device created quite sophisticated. The way it works to produce high-frequency sound vibrations, which had not captured the human ear. The series is based on the theory that insects such as mosquitoes can be rejected by using sound frequencies in the ultrasonic (above 20kHz) range. The series is only 4047 CMOS IC PLL, cable as working in 22KHz oscillator. A complementary symmetry amplifier consisting of four transistors are used to strengthen the voice. Speaker PIEZO buzzer to convert the output of the amplifier for ultrasonic sound that can be heard by insects.

Mosquito repellent circuit scheme

The series could use a 12V DC voltage

Place the electronic circuit in a dim, dimly lit or completely dark. The results can not you hear with your ears because

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fix a Virus on Facebook

Fix a Virus on Facebook

Did someone hack your Facebook account? This activity can easily be detected if you see status updates that you did not post to your public Facebook wall. Status updates can be links to spam sites or virus downloading websites that infect anyone who clicks on them. Cleaning out your Facebook profile and computer is essential in getting rid of the virus, and protecting your computer from future invasions.

  1. Update your anti-virus and anti-spyware softwares for the latest definitions and virus detection.
  2. Run anti-virus software to check the entire "C" drive (main computer hard drive). Run anti-spyware software once the anti-virus program has completed its scan. Delete any viruses or malicious files detected by either program.
  3. Login to your Facebook account and change your password to something difficult. Use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols to form a hard-to-guess password.
  4. Go through your Facebook friend list and remove any individuals that you do not know; they can be online strangers that added you as friend to gain access to your profile. Remove any friends that appear to spam or have fake Facebook accounts (sexy or inappropriate pictures, constant spam link in status updates, and questionable content are some signs to look for).
  5. Remove any status updates on your Facebook profile that appear to be virus links. Click on "Profile" - "Wall" and hover over the questionable status update. Click on "Remove" button that shows up when hovering over the update. Confirm that the status should be deleted.

Tips & Warnings

Always log out of your Facebook profile by clicking on "Log out" link on the right hand side of the web browser. Do not log out by closing out the browser window. Some web browsers, including those on public computers,use caching and a stranger can open up a Facebook profile that is still logged in.

Change your password as soon as you notice questionable activity on your profile, or if your friends report that strange private messages have been sent from your profile. Run two separate programs for anti-virus and anti-spyware protection. Some newer Facebook and online viruses are written to bypass anti-virus programs, but are detected by anti-spyware tools.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dangdut Music Indonesia

Dangdut Music Indonesia

Dangdut  constitute either one genre art music one that amends at Indonesia.Form this music is potbound of Malay Music on year 1940.

In evoluasinya wends to form kontemporer currently comes in music elements influence India and Arab.

Changing Indonesian politics current at year-end 1960 open its inputs west music influences that strong with its input purpose guitar electricity and also its marketing form. Since year 1970 dangdut so to speak was ripe deep its form kontemporer's ones.

Name reeling "dangdut" constitute onomatope of tabla's game voice (in dangdut's the world is called drum  only) one that typical and

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